As people of faith drawing inspiration from ecology, progressive Christian faith, recovery movements, and grassroots relational organizing, we seek recovery to right-relationship with God and the spiritual/relational power God offers. We see God’s power of love being enacted as compassion and justice through us for the sake of the world. We call this “leadership.”

To support ourselves and our faith communities in taking courageous public action for the recovery of human life and the healing of God’s creation, we engage in the following practices:

1. ACCESS Spiritual PowerConsciously connect with the indwelling God to rediscover our belovedness, our God-given power, and our place within God’s evolving universe.
2. DEVELOP RelationshipsConsciously awaken the power-among that arises when we engage in authentic conversation and relationship.
3. DISCOVER Our StoriesConsciously recognize the power of God’s presence at work within our lived experience, the lives of others, and the stories of the places we live.
4. MENTOR One AnotherConsciously draw out the gifts, wisdom and life-giving power of others, and share our own, by mentoring and being mentored.
5. ACT TogetherConsciously engage the power of collective action, in the service of God’s healing and justice-seeking work for human communities and the whole creation.
6. REFLECT On Our ActionsConsciously reflect upon and evaluate our actions and the ways we use power, in order to learn and grow into mature and courageous leaders.
7. RESTORE BalanceConsciously realign our lives with the sacred and natural rhythms of Life expressed through the whole of God’s creation.


Here is a playlist compiled by Li Mattson highlighting Alison Wiley’s wonderful lyrics. Found here!

We also have an abundance of music by EcoFaith Leaders in this page.