Phone Banking with EcoFaith to Get Out the Vote!

Sunday, October 6 on Zoom, 1-3 pm PDT (2pm MDT, 3pm CDT, 4pm EDT)

Join EcoFaith Recovery for a guided phone banking session to voters of color in voter suppression states hosted by EcoFaith and led by Reclaim Our Vote, a nonprofit, nonpartisan initiative of the Center for Common Ground. Studies suggest that phone calls increased Black voter turnout by 17.3% in recent years. 

Learn how to make nonpartisan phone calls and leave voicemail messages for  voters of color in voter suppression states, and give it a try! All you need is a computer with a working microphone and speaker that can connect to Zoom for the training. The online system we will be using will then connect you to the phone numbers of potential voters. (Your own phone number will not be revealed.)

You will have plenty of moral support from your fellow volunteers and a debriefing session afterwards. Sign up at this link to phone bank EcoFaith. This is a small action with the capacity to make a big difference!