We discern our unique call to participate with others in organized actions, for the sake of mending the brokenness in our communities, and restoring our connection to the places we live.
As we recognize our deep interconnectedness with earth and diverse human communities, we identify our mutual interests, and we invite those close to us to join us in acting on those common interests.
We nurture relational cultures, identifying common interests and public issues affecting our communities, so that we are ready to act together to promote justice and healing for the whole community of creation.
Public Sphere
We join or develop community organizing efforts, through which we identify mutual interests, research issues, conduct power analyses and act together to promote greater justice for human communities and the community of creation.
Resources for Using Practice Five
Vigen Guroian, Restoring the Senses: Gardening and Orthodox Easter
Holy Father Francis, On Care for our Common Home
Dolman and Lundquist, Basins of Relations: A Citizens Guide to Restoring our Watershed
Find more videos about Practice Five here.