Hi EcoFaith friends,
I am full of gratitude now that we’ve launched the PCEF signature gathering process. I am grateful for my co-chair Alison. I am grateful for Robyn’s and Solveig’s leadership. I am grateful for the support and contributions from all of my EcoFaith friends. I am grateful for all of the volunteer leaders on the volunteer organizing team. And I am grateful for my share of grace from God each and every day.
This evening I was at the Sierra Club office staffing the office for a couple of hours. I was greeting volunteers as they turned in signature sheets and training new volunteers eager to help. And we share stories (practice 3)!
It’s gratifying to see the signatures roll in; even more so to meet other volunteers who are working to make a difference in our world. Let me know if you feel called to staff the office. Fridays are particularly lacking coverage.
Now for some procedural stuff: we ask that signature sheets be turned in weekly, ideally on Monday. Make sure that you complete the circulator certification before you turn in a sheet, leaving the sheet number blank. Don’t gather new signatures on a sheet that you’ve already certified.
We have three collection points for submitting EcoFaith signature sheets: St. Ignatius, First Unitarian Universalist or the Oregon Sierra Club. Each of these collection points has new blank sheets available. Details are below.
- You can drop off your sheets at the St. Ignatius Parish Office Monday through Thursday between the hours of 9 am and 4 pm. You can also mail them to St. Ignatius Parish, care of Tyler Wagner, 3400 SE 43rd Ave, Portland OR 97206. Include a note with your sheets identifying your faith community.
- First Unitarian signature gatherers can drop off sheets at the Community for Earth table in Fuller Hall. The table is staffed after each service (Sunday 10:30 am to 12:30 pm). Others are welcome to drop off sheets at First UU if the Sunday time window is convenient.
- If you’re dropping off your sheets directly to campaign HQ at the Oregon Sierra Club (SE Ankeny at 18th Ave), please take a tally of the number of sheets and the number of signatures. You can send your tally to Alison, Tyler or me or, better yet, enter it directly to the tally sheet on BaseCamp for your faith community and the corresponding week. It’s a Google sheet named ‘EcoFaith PCEF Tally’.
I’m grateful for your help with submitting and tallying our signature sheets!
Co-chair, EcoFaith Recovery PCEF Cohort
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