Thank you very much for your gift. Your contribution to EcoFaith Recovery will make a significant difference in what we can accomplish together!

Thank you very much for your gift. Your contribution to EcoFaith Recovery will make a significant difference in what we can accomplish together!
Please sing “Have a Holly, Jolly Christmas” for Alessandra because she is also having a birthday this month. thank you.
Please sing “All I want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth” for Nicholas because … I think you can figure out why!
I am listening to Naomi Klein’s latest book, “ON FIRE -The Burning case for a Green New Deal”- This Green New Deal will be achieved only through a network of organizations such as EcoFaith Recovery. This network will form the movement the world requires. I am humbled to support the brilliant work of EcoFaith Recovery.
Thank you EcoFaith Folk for bearing light and pointing the way in these dark times.