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Lenten greetings!
I’m Alison Wiley, co-chair, along with Scott Shurtleff, of Ecofaith’s work on the Portland Clean Energy Fund (PCEF) campaign. I’ll be gathering signatures along with everyone else, but also coordinating our overall efforts, and helping to provide a center that holds. I’ll be writing blog posts about twice a week. (Let me know if you don’t want to receive them, and you’ll be removed from the list, no questions asked).
Here’s what to expect from my blog posts:
- Encouragement based on the Ecofaith Practices for Awakening Leadership*
- A faith-based voice grounded in Creation Care and Jesus’ loyalty to marginalized people (though PCEF is secular, we are not)
- Practical advice, i.e. how to deal with a series of no’s as we ask people to sign our PCEF petitions
- Occasional requests for help from fellow Ecofaithers. For example, would some kind, Excel-savvy soul please help me create graphs that show our progress toward our signature-gathering goals? I’m serious.
- PCEF pep-songs and revisionist lyrics to hymns I’ve already adapted two Beatles tunes to support our cause.
Consider writing some more, yourself.
*Most of us already do The Practices to some degree in our lives. For example, we access spiritual power through prayer, worship, nature or song, and we develop relationships (1 and 2). We take action in various ways, reflect on those actions, and try to restore balance to our lives (5, 6 and 7).
But it’s rare to do the Practices consciously and consistently, in a way that builds us into a joyous, powerful community. Doing the Practices is the part we have control over. PCEF itself will come and go. I passionately want our shared work to help get it passed. Whether or not it passes, Ecofaith continues, and we become stronger, faith-driven people in the process. I’m writing this blog to help build that blessed community.
Here’s my Linked In profile if you’d like to know more about me, or want to send me an invitation to link: Alison Wiley
– Written by Alison Wiley, EcoFaith Leader from Lincoln Street Methodist
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