There is no single format for an ecofaith recovery group since spiritual recovery will look like different things in different contexts. However, most groups will have most of the following characteristics:
- relational – a group of 3 or more people
- experiential – engages group members in reflection upon and sharing of their experiences
- integrative – making connections between ecology, spirituality, and experience
- eco-recovering – seeking ways to heal from consumerism and other addictive forces that are driving the climate crisis and other forms of ecological devastation
- faith-recovering – seeking healing from faith traditions or religious experiences that have done spiritual and ecological violence
- honest – group process invites increasing honesty and deeper reflection about what isn’t working and why, along with what is bringing healing and how
- practical – relevant to the daily lives of participants
- participatory – group members are free to participate within the gatherings and in decision making processes about the future process and structure of the group. No single leader or teacher has all the answers.
- contextual – There is no “one size fits all” approach, even though particular models may be chosen as a starting point for the group
- ongoing – Even when groups are time-limited, they have the capacity to engender ongoing eco-spiritual recovery for participants
- micro to macro – oriented towards discovering ecological/ spiritual connections for healing between any of the following levels: personal, inter-personal, communal, institutional, societal, global, and universal
- self-critiquing – learning as we go from what is going well and what could be better