Metro Portland Grounding for Action

The EcoFaith Metro Portland action discernment has begun and your participation is requested!

As you all know, creative and powerful response to our climate crisis is needed in so many ways. While we continue to act as individuals and congregations now and in the near term, together we are discerning a longer-term campaign for the Metro Portland EcoFaith cohort!

We began our discernment process with an excellent EcoFaith Recovery Portland-Area Cohort meeting on Saturday, April 13th. It was great to have so many highly-engaged participants and many new faces! Thanks to everyone who participated and to St. Luke Lutheran Church for hosting the meeting. If you weren’t able to participate, we look forward to seeing you at our next meeting on June 1st.

NEXT MEETING: Saturday, November 16th from 9:15 – 11:45am

Central Lutheran Church

1820 NE 21st Ave., Portland, OR

Creative and powerful response to our climate crisis is needed in so many ways, and EcoFaith leaders are ACTING TOGETHER in response!
Come gather with other EcoFaith volunteer leaders to…
  • Hear about the exciting progress of the Community Carbon Initiative
  • Celebrate the important ways EcoFaith leaders have shown up to support Climate Justice this year
  • Get grounded and inspired for what’s coming up in 2020 for EcoFaith and for ACTING TOGETHER through EcoFaith Recovery!
For those of you who may already be thinking, “Let’s just decide and get on with it!” don’t forget that even while we are discerning a longer-term campaign, we are still acting RIGHT NOW to dive deep into The Practices through our monthly online gatherings.
Also, any EcoFaith leader is empowered to invite all EcoFaith leaders (using our relationally grounded practice of inviting through the EcoFaith Leaders’ list serve) to participate in any action at any time. So let’s make use of our relational power even as we are discerning longer-term campaigns!
Here are the details for the discernment gathering. Please come and bring others!
When: Saturday, November 16th from 9:15 – 11:45am
(9:15 – 9:30 a.m. Gathering
9:30 – 11:45 a.m. Meeting)
Where: Central Lutheran Church – 1820 NE 21st Ave., Portland, OR
Who: EcoFaith Recovery Portland-area cohort, friends of EcoFaith Recovery, and anyone in the Portland area interested in acting together for climate justice
Coffee and snacks provided by a grant from Thrivent Financial!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to

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