Dear friends,
We’re being called to dig deeper on putting our faith into action. The corporate-funded opposition is kicking in to Portland Clean Energy Initiative (PCEI, Measure 26-201), and the polling numbers of people likely to vote for it are dropping.
Change of plan for this Saturday, October 13, 9:30 a.m.: we are going canvassing in lieu of our monthly meeting. In my experience, canvassing is easier than signature-gathering. We only get sent to houses likely to support PCEI. I’ve knocked on a few hundred doors so far, and will knock on several hundred more before Election Day.We have brief chats about the measure, encourage folks to vote for it, and leave literature (happily, no debating ).
Sat. Oct. 13th
Poshines, 8139 N. Denver
9:30 a.m. Share the Practices together (EcoFaith folks)
10:00 a.m.: PCEI canvassing training for all
10:30ish a.m. Go forth and canvas
Bring your smart phone, fully charged, if you have one.
If you don’t have one, that’s fine, you can get a paper-based canvassing route.
Poshines Café on 8139 N. Denver Ave (corner of N. Denver and N. Kilpatrick.
In addition, please come to this to support our faith-based witness to PCEI:
Thursday October 11th 6:00-8:30 pm
People of Faith Support Portland Clean Energy Initiative
First Unitarian Church Portland 1211 SW Main
from Emily Herbert, event organizer:
6-7 pm we meet up in the Buchan Atrium (enter off Salmon between SW Twelfth Ave and SW Thirteenth Ave) for chili, live music by Porch Revival and connecting around how our faith informs our work for justice.
7 -8:30pm, down the hall, in Eliot Chapel, we hear from leaders from Frontline Communities who wrote the measure. They will talk about the “what’s” and “why’s” of the measure and how to defend it from detractors… interspersed with some lively gospel singing! We will conclude with some more listening to each other and a song.
Alison Wiley
latest article: Kavanaugh, Tribalism and True North
Co-chair, EcoFaitharm of
Portland Clean Energy Initiative (PCEI) campaign
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