The EcoFaith Recovery movement consists of everybody who is helping unfold the vision of equipping faith-based leadership for the recovery of human life and the healing of creation! We celebrate the often unnoticed ways this movement is emerging while also hoping you might consider a more formal relationship with EcoFaith Recovery.

If you desire, you can express your intention today to become either a MemberJourneyer or Friend of EcoFaith Recovery.

Click on pages linked below to find out more:

Members commit to engage the “Practices for Awakening Leadership”with a congregational team, get involved with at least one EcoFaith Recovery Initiative during the year, and typically offer a financial contribution of $10 or more per month.

Journeyers participate in at least one EcoFaith Recovery Initiative during the year to deepen their experience with the “Practices for Awakening Leadership“ consider how they might engage the Practices with a congregational team in the future, and typically offer at least $10 per month.

*Friends are most often those at a distance who desire to support the growth of this ministry with their finances, gifts and skills. They are those who are excited about helping grow EcoFaith Recovery to offer it as a model to others around the country.

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