Community Carbon Pilot Community Opportunity with EcoFaith Recovery

The Challenge

Climate change has become a generational emergency due to a collective failure to address the dramatic rise of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide. The imbalance of excess carbon emissions in the atmosphere without a balanced return of carbon to the ground is causing suffering throughout the entire earth community and especially for those “frontline communities” disproportionately harmed by a destabilizing climate and other forms of environmental injustice. This crisis reflects a more fundamental breakdown in our relationships with each other and the larger earth community. Our generational challenge is not only to limit current emissions of carbon and other greenhouse gasses but also to draw down atmospheric carbon into the soil in ways that restore healthy, life-sustaining relationships throughout creation.

The Opportunity

People from various sectors of society (faith, schools, farming, nonprofit, etc) have begun to imagine together the possibility of a “Community Carbon” initiative that would focus communities on the powerful relationship between humans, soil and climate. They are learning about the ways that regenerative agriculture can draw down carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere to enhance the health of the soil, and stabilize atmospheric temperatures.To help develop this concept further and bring the unique gifts and ethical frameworks of faith traditions into this dialogue, EcoFaith Recovery is inviting three to five faith communities to serve as “pilot communities” within this larger “community carbon” movement.

The Vision

EcoFaith Recovery seeks to engage faith-based “pilot communities” in taking action to draw down carbon from the atmosphere into the soil through community partnerships that simultaneously address the underlying breakdown in our relationships with each other and the broader earth community. Each pilot community will engage this work in ways that are unique to its context, values, mission, gifts, and priorities. 

The Invitation 

Members of “pilot communities” will act together to transform “pilot sites” such as yards and open spaces with plants and trees that draw down carbon, restore the soil, and promote healthy ecosystems. In the process, pilot communities will work to restore their relationships to the land and discover and share the story of the land and its people. These communities will seek to intentionally engage the participation of “frontline communities” such as those who have been disproportionately harmed by unjust policies or practices for farm/yard laborers, displacement from the land, environmental injustice, or climate change. It is hoped that deepening such relationships will lead diverse groups to take public action together to advance the cause of justice for people, land and climate simultaneously.

More Resources:


(Click to Download “Community Carbon: Find Your Path” Full Brochure)

(Click to Download the “Community Carbon: Next Steps” Full Brochure)


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For those considering becoming a Pilot Community, please read the “Community Carbon Opportunity Document (Goals & Process)” document below. Then, email to express interest in learning more and signing up for the one-hour presentation.

[aio_button align=”center” animation=”pulse” color=”orange” size=”small” icon=”none” text=”Community Carbon Opportunity Document (Goals & Process)” relationship=”dofollow” url=””]

Learn More About Community Carbon Pathways with these Resource Links (external links):
What is Environmental Racism?


Principles for Democratic Organizing

Short History of the EJ Movement

EJ In Your Community

List of EJ Organizations

Building and Sustaining Community Relationships


Community Engagement Toolkit

Tips for Relationships among Cultural Diversity

Recorded Webinar for Inclusive Community Planning

Search for Native Land History in Your Area

National Religious Partnership for the Environment


Greening Your Church: Transformational Ministries

Climate Prayers and Sample Sermons

Creation Care Resources

Books and Websites on Religion and Climate Change

Soil Carbon Restoration


Soil Carbon Coalition’s Field Guide

Recorded Presentation: Keys to Building Healthy Soil

Carbon Gardening — Ecological Landscape Alliance

Recorded Presentation: Backyard Carbon Sequestration