Community of Creation Learning Cohort: From cultural collapse to re-inhabitation

September 27, 2020 @ 2:00 pm – January 24, 2021 @ 5:00 pm – $1,000 (donation to Eloheh)

This four-month study will offer a unique opportunity to reframe many of the environmental and cultural crises currently facing humanity, while exploring the time-tested solutions offered to us by Indigenous Wisdom. Led by the Eloheh Indigenous Center for Earth Justice, in partnership with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon and EcoFaith Recovery, this course will begin and end with in-person instruction from Randy and Edith Woodley (read their bios) onsite at the Eloheh Farm in Yamhill, Ore.

WHO: This is a community for leaders who want to:
> De-center whiteness and learn to include everyone at the table.
> Learn from perspectives that draw from ancient wisdom.
> Grow in understanding an Indigenous worldview and deconstruct their Western worldview.
> Learn a theology of place.
> Receive the opportunity to be mentored by an Indigenous leader, activist, scholar, distinguished speaker, wisdom keeper, theologian, and farmer.

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A message from Rev. Solveig Nilsen-Goodin, who is part of this cohort leadership:
Dear fellow leaders in EcoFaith Recovery,
This is Solveig Nilsen-Goodin, one of the many volunteer leaders with you in EcoFaith Recovery. 
In these perilous times, I, like you, am inundated by calls to action. And action is absolutely called for in so very many ways! Yet every one of the crises we are facing today have their roots in worldviews and ways that are profoundly inhumane and unsustainable. Therefore our actions must not only be broad but also deep.
One of the deep actions I invite you to consider is joining me in a four-month learning cohort with Eloheh Indigenous Center for Earth Justice, in partnership with EcoFaith Recovery and Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. 
This particular cohort includes two in-person (distanced/masked) gatherings at Eloheh in Yamhill, OR, as well as online Zoom learning times, and so is likely best suited for those of us in the Pacific Northwest.
But Eloheh is also launching another cohort for anyone around the country! If you want to get on their mailing list to find out when that cohort is launching, email with a request to be added to their mailing list.
Together we will read and reflect, listen and learn and un-learn (!) with Indigenous wisdom-keepers Dr. Randy and Edith Woodley, at the intersection of indigenous wisdom and prophetic Christianity. 
I invite you to learn more about the Community of Creation cohort here:

Shalom and the Community of Creation Learning Cohort, and discern your own participation, invite someone you know, or financially sponsor someone else’s participation. 

The cohort begins on September 27 and will be filled on a first come, first served basis. So please apply soon if you feel called to do this important work together!
Solveig ☀