Hi EcoFaith friends,

It is exhilarating to be underway! We are called as people of faith to stand with the vulnerable and work towards a just society. I feel good when working on PCEF activities because it fulfills these values.

Here is information for two EcoFaith events and one campaign event, all this week. Apologies for the length of this e-mail, as there is a lot to cover. Get a hot top on that coffee now and come right back to read the rest!

Our monthly EcoFaith PCEF cohort meeting is Saturday, May 12 from 9:30 am to 11:00 am. There are two options for attendance. You can attend in person at the Kaiel’s house (6311 N. Commercial Ave, Portland) or via Zoom (link here and info below). Please RSVP here.

We’ll get ourselves grounded for the action ahead through our practices, get prepared for signature gathering, distribute kits to those who need them and have an opportunity to act together. Those attending in person will have the option to join a group collecting signatures at the St. John’s parade. Bring your kit if you’ve already picked up one!

We’re having a signature gathering training and kit distribution at First Unitarian Friday, May 11. We are seeking two volunteers to help staff the registration table and distribute kits (contact Emily). This is intended for congregational members who need to be trained in PCEF and signature gathering. You’re welcome to invite members from your congregations, we just ask that they RSVP here.

Finally, there is another volunteer kick off at the Sierra Club (SE Ankeny & 18th) tonight Wednesday May 9 starting at 6:00 pm. It will be a combination of pep rally, training and kit distribution event. Feel free to come join the fun if you wish.



Co-chair, EcoFaith Recovery PCEF Cohort

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