Next Grounding for Action Meeting

Happy Spring, EcoFaith Recovery friends!

Are you looking for a way to act together and mobilize your community for climate justice? Then join our EcoFaith Recovery Portland-area cohort in a meeting on Saturday, August 10th, when we’ll continue a process to discern our next action together.


You’ll have time to refresh relationships, hear about exciting opportunities for action and discuss the choices before us. Of course, we’ll integrate our EcoFaith Recovery practices through the meeting. Our August 10th meeting will focus on PCEF/Community Solar, the Oregon Green New Deal, and an update on Clean Diesel.


The meeting is being held at St. Michael and All Angels (Nativity Hall) 1704 NE 43rd Ave. (Broadway and 43rd) from 9:15am to 12:00pm. Please bring a snack to share and a reusable mug.


RSVP via this link (here) to join us and add your voice to decide what action we’ll take over the coming months!


What: EcoFaith Recovery Portland-area Cohort Action Discernment
When: Saturday, August 10th from 9:15 am to 12:00 pm. (meeting starts promptly at 9:30)
Where: St. Michael and All Angels (Nativity Hall) 1704 NE 43rd Ave. (Broadway and 43rd)
Who: EcoFaith Recovery Portland-area cohort, friends of EcoFaith Recovery and any other Portland-area folks interested in climate justice actions
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