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EcoFaith Recovery
Application for Creation Care Mini-grant
Mission Statement
EcoFaith Recovery nurtures faith-based recovery groups and relational leadership networks to help individuals, communities and institutions emerge from our intoxication with consumerism[1] to recover our relatedness to God, ourselves, one another, and the entire Earth community. In this way, EcoFaith Recovery promotes leadership development, theological reform and renewal of community life in thePacific Northwest and offers a practical model for people of faith throughout the country.
Thank you for your interest in applying for a grant from EcoFaith Recovery. The purpose of these grants is to advance the leadership of youth (ages 13 – 17), young adults (ages 18 – 29), and seminarians of any age in caring for God’s creation.
Grants of up to $1000 are awarded to reimburse costs associated with opportunities that enable youth, young adults and seminarians to expand their leadership in caring for God’s creation.
You are encouraged to be in contact with any member of the EcoFaith Recovery Core Team in order to discuss your proposal further. You will be notified within 60 days of submission of your application as to whether your proposal will be funded.
When you are ready to submit a proposal, please complete the application below and send it to
EcoFaith Recovery
Application for Creation Care grant
Your Name ________________________________________________________
Street Address _____________________________________________________
City ________________________________ State _____ Zip _____________
Primary Phone Number ________________________ __home __work __cell
Secondary Phone Number ______________________ __home __work __cell
Email Address ______________________________________________________
Please check the category that applies to you and qualifies you as an applicant:
____ Youth (age 13 – 18)
____ Young Adult (age 18 – 29)
____ Seminarian
If under age 30, please provide your Date of Birth ______/_____/____________
If you are a seminarian, which seminary do you attend? __________________________________________________________________
Congregation or Other Faith Institution of which you are a member: __________________________________________________________________
Educational Programs and Institutions with which you are currently enrolled:
Please describe your current areas of study and/or work and how long you have
been engaged in each?
Please, briefly describe your educational/vocational goals:
- What is the amount of the grant you are requesting? ________________________
- What would you do with these grant funds? Please be as specific as possible.
- How does this grant proposal relate to ecology, faith, and/or recovery of a more sustainable way of life?
- What are the primary goal(s) this grant would enable you to achieve and how would it enable you to do so?
- As you review the mission of EcoFaith Recovery and information about us on the website, how does your proposal advance any of our goals or ministry interests?
- We ask all grant recipients to offer at least one blog post for us to share describing how you used the grant and the impact it had. What other ways would you be interested in sharing what you have learned with others including the larger EcoFaith Recovery network?
[1] We understand consumerism broadly as “the theory that an increasing consumption of goods is economically desirable†(Merriam-Webster). EcoFaith Recovery asserts that this premise and the social, economic, religious, and political systems which support it are destructive to the Earth and, human beings, and the web of life of which we are a part.